
Need A Really Good Reason to Exercise? How About Cancer Prevention?

If this doesn’t get you off the couch, we don’t know what will.

According to a 2018 report by the American Institute for Cancer Research and the World Cancer Research Fund, positive lifestyle changes such as exercising could cut cancer diagnoses in half.

A joint study by The National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society showed that exercise can reduce the risk of developing 13 different types of cancer. This research confirmed earlier studies linking physical inactivity with breast, colon, and uterine cancer.

In preventing breast and uterine cancer, exercise lowers the levels of estrogen and insulin that can contribute to the development and growth of cancer cells. For colon cancer, physical activity reduces the time the intestinal lining is exposed to carcinogens.

And, if you happen to be diagnosed, staying physically active can help tremendously as you go through treatment and recovery. Exercise can make you feel more energetic and less nauseous, and even reduce pain.

If you feel you might be at risk, a cancer policy from your association and AMBA could help cover treatments that might not be available locally, which may include travel and other out-of-pocket expenses.

In the meantime, the more you keep moving, the lower the chances of cancer catching up with you.




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