

It was Otto von Bismarck’s.

In 1889, the German Chancellor looked to reduce the unemployment rate of young people. He paid citizens 70 and older to leave the workforce, and much of the world followed suit.

One place that didn’t: the island of Okinawa.

You can’t retire there, because retirement doesn’t exist. They don’t even have a word for it.

They have a better word:

Ikigai (pronounced icky guy).

Ikigai is your reason for getting out of bed in the morning.

Say your ikigai is teaching. If you’re no longer “working” as a teacher, how can your ikigai get you out of bed? Who can you teach now?

Anyone you want. The whole world is your classroom.

In line at the grocery store, you can teach patience. Bowling with a grandchild, you can teach focus. Hugging a friend in need, you can teach love.

What gets you out of bed in the morning?

Once your ikigai is clear, it will get you through any challenges that “retirement” may bring.

Assuming there is such a thing.

Learn about policies that help keep you living life your way. Call AMBA at 877-556-4578 or click to request a free Benefits Review.

Source: https://hbr.org/2016/04/why-retirement-is-a-flawed-concept

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